Mazniac Wiki

Legenka Eva Rescue (removed from its scheduled)[]

Note: traiter Intro been leaked

Legenka Eva's Dad say My call save Legenka Eva

Legenka Eva's Dad say Ghostbusters Team's Flee

Legenka Eva's Dad say fail save to Legenka Eva

Vaisman Margarita say I would Kornienko Masha save to Eva in egypt

Legenka Eva's Dad say Kornienko Masha moved on School in Germany. When Recent Kornienko Masha take Document from sviatopetrivska School as some buy Kornienko Masha's Apartament in for sale bauscue

Vaisman Margarita: I doesn' t mattering Sviatopetrivska school without Kornienko Masha but Kornienko Masha's Famliy moving to Germany (now)

Eva's Mom: You trip go to Egypt piramide in still Find Eva

Vaisman Margarita's Helper Sketch it's: Kazuchika okada

Vaisman Margarita's Villains Sketch it's: Luna Girl, TBA

Vaisman Margarita's Others Sketch it's: Seller man, Vaisman Margarita's Oldest sister, TBA

Untitled Ovsyanikov Sasha's Friends Team Game (2023 former Team why, Cancelled)[]

Sasha's Friends Team's World Concert it's: Zolotarov Maksim's World it's: Haunted House, Oleksiev Dima's World It's: Zombie City, Petkun Ivan it's: Pokémon and Ovsyanikov Sasha It's: The Simpsons

Card Title Untitled Ovsyanikov Sasha's Friends Team Game

Intro Jigtrap meet Ovsyanikov Sasha's Friends Team

Intro Pigface say them No find Kindapped Before

Intro TV Pigface disuge as TBA thrown Pokeball in Mother Ukraine

Zolotarov Maksim meet Mironov Izmail in Castle room

Zolotarov Maksim give milk with cream to Mironov Izmail in Castle room

Ovsyanikov Sasha meet Misha Petlowany in TBA

Intro TV Pigface disuge as TBA thrown Pokeball in Mother Ukraine

Zolotarov Maksim meet Scott Hall

Zolotarov Maksim defeat Ghost TV

Oleksiev Dima defeat Zombie Grandpa Kolya

Oleksiev Dima thrown Plush with Lola Vice to Zombie Grandpa Kolya

Oleksiev Dima defeat Zombie Balaban Sasha

Oleksiev Dima put Oil in Zombie Balaban Sasha

Oleksiev Dima meet TBA

Oleksiev Dima take Ladder, Stick Cat Noir, Box with One (Numberblocks)

Oleksiev Dima disuge Box with One (Numberblocks) go to Zombie Kids

Ovsyanikov Sasha defeat TBA

Oleksiev Dima defeat Zombie TBA

Ovsyanikov Sasha take Ladder in TBA

Ovsyanikov Sasha meet Bart Simpson's sad

Ending Ovsyanikov Sasha take Small Mother Ukraine Statue winner

Ending Ovsyanikov Sasha's friends team meet Jigtrap

Ending Jigtrap disuge as TBA return Mother Ukraine in city


Tsalan Yura and Nikolas Saw Trap (Cancelled, Yura has school in Carpathians)[]


Evelina Hak and Nikolas Saw Trap (Cancelled, Evelina Hak not return on Petrovsky Quartal)[]

Jigtrap meet Nikolas Lazarev and Evelina Hak

Nikolas meet Sasha Banks's sad and Ryu Maivia

Nikolas Lazarev put Bone to Ryu Maivia

Intro Nikolas Lazarev and Evelina Hak go to Park

Nikolas's villains: Zombie Glent, Devil Evil, TBA

Evelina's villains: Evil TMNT, TBA

Nikolas Lazarev meet Sareee

Nikolas Lazarev give Champbelt to Sareee

Nikolas defeat Devil

Evelina defeat evil TMNT


Ilya Saw Trap (Cancelled)[]

Goin Olecsandr and Ishenko Andrey: Revenge Pigsaw (Cancelled)[]

Card Title

Intro Pigface disuge as Artem Sherbatiuk meet Ishenko Andrey in Pizza store

Intro Pigface Disuge as TBA meet Goin Olecsandr in Pasta Store

Goin Olecsandr's Save Family in Villains Sketch it's: Bread Monster in Mom, TBA In Dad, TBA in Brother and Sister

Ishenko Andrey's Save Family in Villains Sketch it's: TBA in Ishenko Andrey's Aunt, Evil Sharko in Ishenko Andrey's Uncle and TBA in Ishenko's Nephew

Ishenko Andrey save Andrey's Aunt

Boyarinov Stas and Belenchuk Artur Saw Trap (cancelled)[]


Kabikov Saw Trap (Cancelled, Vlad A4 not think His Comeback on A4 Again)[]


Nikolas's Famliy Saw Trap (not planned)[]

Marina helper Zack Ryder defeat Shaun The Sheep.EXE

Sergey go to Monster Cake save Shoko Nakajima

Nikolas Lazarev meet VladA4

Nikolas Lazarev give new Computer to VladA4

Karolina Lazareva put mannequin of Zlata to Evil Sasha Banks

Gvenda defeat Demon Dog

Segery Lazarev with Freeze Ray shot Monster Nesquik big

Segery Lazarev take Sareee's dog, Ladder, Stick Metal in Start the Game

Nikolas Lazarev take Rubber gloves, Oil, Trampoline, Chain and Pair of Rock (2×)

Nikolas Lazarev Strong Wooden Box in Box

Segery Lazarv defeat Monster Pizza in Nikolas's Sandwich with spinach (Nikolas's Strong)

Nikolas Lazarev take Balloon with Peppa pig in trap open door defeat Zondag

Zondag throw Pin to Balloon with TBA

Nikolas Lazarev put Rocket and defeat Zondag

intro Sergey and Gvenda's walk go to Park

Nikolas Lazarev meet Sareee's sad in city

Sareee's sad say lost Champ and 3 days not return

Nikolas Lazarev give Champ to Her

Sareee Give Mannequin of Zlata to Him

intro Nikolas bath in Tub

Intro Marina Lazarev go to private school

Intro Karolina Lazareva rexal in beach

Nikolas Lazarev throw TBA Defeat Water Monster

Gvenda put TBA in Bone Monster

Karolina Lazareva defeat to Thief Masked in Bank

Karolina Lazareva meet Starlight Kid

Karolina Lazareva take Phone and Net to Starlight Kid in Bank

Karolina Lazareva put Wifi Machine in Bank

Ending Nikolas's famliy in Hallway

outro Zlata (Evelina's Former Friend) with Romoto Control from TV shot TV

TV in Jigtrap say next victim Annuonced on Alphablocks Saw Trap

Nikolas Lazarev's Famliy Saw Trap's Card titled (Based on Ovsyanikov Sasha Saw Trap)

Gvenda defeat Zombie Yura


Zelenyak Vlad Saw Trap[]


Vlad's Others: Alexa, Mia Yim, Shawn Michaels.

Vasilevska Katya Saw Trap (Cancelled, Why no Kindapped on Sofia Washiuk has no return on Ukraine)[]

Katya save to Sofia Washiuk

Katya's villains: TBA

Students of academy liceum Saw Trap (Cancelled Project)[]

Students starting the game

Students of Sviatopetrivska Academy Liceum Saw Trap's Card title

Kolesnyk Lisa Saw Trap[]

Lisa's villains: TBA

Lisa's helpers: TBA

Sofia Washiuk Saw Trap ( Cancelled)[]

Card Titled

Villains: TBA

Evelina Hak and Vaselisa Hak Saw Trap (Pigface say no victim Her moving to Spain, Cancelled)[]

Card Titled

Carnauh Dima Saw Trap[]

Card Titled

Sasha Hak's Family Jig Trap (Pigface say no victim, Cancelled)[]

Note: Planner no victim Sasha Hak's Famliy moving to New House in Spain.

Card Titled

Sasha Hak's Family's worlds it's: Sasha Hak's World it's: Creepypasta, Evelina Hak's World it's: Glitch pibby and Vaselisa Hak's World it's: Mario

Danya Saw Trap (Cancelled)[]

Danya Saw Trap

Danya throw net for Zombie Eva

Danya defeat Evil Witch


Belenchuk Artur Friends Rescue (cancelled)[]

Artur's Sketch it's: Stas in Alphablocks's World, Zelenyak Vlad in Disney's World and Rusin Makar in Mazniac's World

Untitled Hara Maxim and Morgun Leasha Game (Cancelled, Lesha moved on School in KonoTop)[]

Card Titled Untitled TBA Game

Segera Antonov Jig Trap (cancelled leaves team)[]

Card Titled

Sergey Hak Saw Trap (Cancelled Project)[]

Card Titled

Untitled Kornienko Masha's Friends Game (Cancelled)[]

Kornienko Masha, Legenka Eva, Osadcha Diana and Vaisman Margarita meet Jigtrap

ClownA4 Heores Maze Escape (Cancelled Project)[]

Intro ClownA4 meet Jigtrap

Intro Jigtrap say Pranks Apartaments quit

ClownA4's Heores Character Sketch it's: VladA4, Mark, Rivi, Glent, Serega Antonov, Kabikov.

ClownA4 defeat Glent

ClownA4 throw Stone to Glent

ClownA4 take Key

ClownA4 meet Seller man

ClownA4 defeat Rivi


Glent Saw Trap sequel (Not Planner sequel)[]

Intro Glent go to Street

Jigtrap meet Glent

Jigtrap say You Glent don't Appeance in VladA4's Team Jig Trap is Project Cancelled Deleted but After He not more A4

Picture TV Vika in Trapped by Cage

Glent say think prank Heore Character

Jigtrap say yes Defeat Cartoon Character.

Glent defeat Kabikov

Glent with Gun shoot Sofia Princess

Sofia Princess is Burn

Glent meet Nikolas Lazarev in Bedroom

Nikolas Lazarev say wall without Nail Fall Picture with Sveta Grandma is Broken because

Glent say Sorry

Glent gift Money to Nikolas

Nikolas Lazarev gift Nails to His

Nikolas Lazarev with Join with Glent

Glent put Nikolas Lazarev

Nikolas Lazarev with Bowling Ball throw to Gil (Bubble Guppies)

Glent defeat ClownA4

Glent Kamehame shot ClownA4

Glent defeat Segera Antonov (Boss Final)

Glent take Book with Spelling shoot Segera Antonov turn on Kid

Glent throw pie to Kabikov

Glent meet Tsalan Yura's sad

Glent gift Earmuffs to Tsalan Yura

Ending Glent make computer with Web VladA4's Team Saw Trap is removed

Glent's Heroes Character Sketch it's: Kabikov, ClownA4

Ending Glent save Vika

Ending VladA4 meet New Member in Office room

Balaban Sasha and Nikolas Saw Trap (Cancelled, Balaban Sasha revealed that she was Moved on Kyiv)[]

Intro Nikolas and Balaban Sasha go to Halloween party

Intro Pigface disguise as Witch meet Nikolas Lazarev and Balaban Sasha

Intro Pigface disguise as Witch say I night Party soon

Intro Jigtrap meet Nikolas and Balaban

Intro Jigtrap say Your maze winner before I return new Two Costume

Sasha's villains: mummy, Evil Pumpkin, Ghost Toy, Zombie Artist , Evil Clown, Vampire, Spider, Evil Owl, Evil Hat Witch

Nikolas's villains: Evil kid wolfwere,Alexia Ashford, Evil Ben Tennyson, Cthulhu, Memorella, Witch, Eight Feet Tall, Karakasa, Hand Zombie Evil Zombie Rob Van Dam, Bat evil

Nikolas meet Sareee

Nikolas Lazarev gift Costume of Jade Armor

Sareee gift Garlic to Nikolas

Balaban Sasha meet Dexter Lumis in Castle Horror

Helper Dexter Lumis with Slightshot shot Garlic to Vampire

Balaban Sasha defeat Mummy

Alexia Ashford catch mannequin with Costume and Mask in Hole

Nikolas Lazarev put Big Stone trap Hole in Alexia Ashford

Nikolas Lazarev meet Segery Lazarev in City Halloween

Nikolas Lazarev gift Costume of oggy to Sergey Lazarev

Segery Lazarev gift Costume of Ghost, Trolley, Arm Machine and Remote control from Arm Machine to His

Balaban Sasha meet Seller Woman

Ending Jigtrap meet Nikolas and Balaban Sasha

ending Jigtrap say I return Halloween Costume to then

Ending Jigtrap gift two Costume to Then


Anatoly leonidowich Saw Trap (Planned but not decided)[]

Card titled

Kornienko Masha Saw Trap (cancelled project)[]

Intro Masha go to trip

Masha's villains: Yeti red, Vigo, Amanda Killman (Bunsen is a beast), Rockstar Freddy, The Wicked King, Mr.Smee, Graviton (Marvel), TBA

Masha's Others: Naomi (Wrestler), Mio Shirai, Brutus Creed, Legenka Eva and Vaisman Margarita (Helper), Lyra Valkyria, TBA

Ending Masha save Diana

Tsalan Yura Saw Trap 2 (TBA)[]

Intro Pigface disguise as Nikolas Lazarev take tray with Cookies meet Yura

Intro Pigface disguise as Nikolas Lazarev gift Cookie with Somniferous to Yura

Yura take Cookie in Mug with Tea Limon

Yura save My Family


VladA4's Team Saw Trap (Removed, Glent have Deleted is Untitled VladA4 Team game)[]

Osadcha Diana Saw Trap (Cancelled Project)[]

Diana meet Jigtrap

Diana's villains: Evil Cake, Elf evil, Skinner (Ratatouille), Malekith the Accursed, TBA

Diana's Others: Coda Jade, Artur

Diana meet Artur

Diana give Paper and Kit Penlic to Artur

Artur Drawing Paper

Artur give Paper with fat man to Her

Intro Osadcha Diana meet Pigface Disuge as TBA

Diana save Kornienko Masha

Sasha Nikolas Rescue (cancelled)[]

Intro BalabanSasha in Living room

Intro Balaban Sasha meet Her Dad and Mom

Intro Her Dad say I talked to the could I take Poster Missing of boy myself, his gave me lost Nikolas

Intro Her dad give Poster of Nikolas to Her

Intro Balaban Sasha say Are they looking with boy have dark Yellow wear white T-Shirt with Sarray named on Nikolas

Intro Balaban Sasha go to Nikolas's apartament

Intro Sergey Lazarev and Marina Lazareva say Hat black stion Nikolas Lazarev, I could Lost my son

Intro Marina Lazarev say Evelina Hak's Famliy not return on Ukraine agian but Evelina Hak not save to Nikolas.

Intro: Balaban Sasha's Mom say Which Evelina Hak's where?

Intro Sergey Lazarev say Evelina Hak go to School in spain but her not return moving to Ukraine again.

Intro Sergey Lazarev say Think well you'r find in My son.

Intro Sergey Lazarev say my gave any items You'r will some save to Nikolas.

Intro Segery Lazarev give brown Rope, Toy with Yo-Yo Lady Bug and Axe to Balaban Sasha

Intro Marina Lazarev gift Map with Factory to Her

Intro Balaban Sasha go to Factory

Balaban Sasha Thrown Pokeball in Pikachu

Balaban Sasha kick Tree in Dummy with Female

Balaban Sasha go to Castle horror

Balaban Sasha put Dummy with Female wear Balaban Sasha's T-Shirt in Compsognathus

Balaban Sasha take Sasha's T-Shirt, Ladder, Stick Metal, Arrow

Balaban Sasha defeat Jake Roberts (Camp WWE)

Balaban Sasha thrown Bowling Ball to His

Balaban Sasha in Boat in Lake

Balaban Sasha meet Dexter (Dexter's Laboratory) without eyeglasses

Dexter fix Lady Bug Yo-Yo without Toy

Balaban Sasha put lady Bug Yo-Yo whip to Hat Wizard black hat

Ending Nikolas Lazarev and Balaban Sasha meet Segery Lazarev and Marina Lazareva's happy

Ending Segery Lazarev gave Moneys to Balaban Sasha

Ending Balaban Sasha go to Her old Apartament in Ukraine

Start Card it's: Balaban Sasha's angry on black hat.

Lunomosik Saw Trap (decided cancelled)[]


Sofia Saw Trap (cancelled)[]

Sofia's Villains Sketch it's: TBA

Sofia's Others Sketch it's: Sarray, TBA

Sofia meet Sareee

Sofia give Poster with Nikolas to Her


Nikolas Sofia the first (decided cancelled)[]


Tsalan Yura Nikolas Lazarev Rescue (cancelled)[]

Intro Tsalan Yura in Living room

Intro Tsalan Yura call Phone

Marina & Sergey says lost Nikolas

Tsalan Yura say if his find Bin Trash without Nikolas l however You wanted helper must Nikolas

Intro Sergey Lazarev say Her send a message on whatsapp Sasha Hak not return on Petrovsky Quartal Again need Evelina Hak not save to Nikolas

Intro say Nikolas just Miss Evelina Hak no live Petrovsky Quartal

Intro Sergey say No miss think Your save Nikolas Lazarev in cage

Intro Tsalan Yura say Yes

Intro Segery Lazarev say You'r must find Nikolas Lazarev , why After Evelina Hak and Balaban Sasha give Clothers with Nikolas Lazarev to Sasha Banks

Intro: Tsalan Yura not gift T-Shirt with Nikolas Lazarev okay, His save to Nikolas in cage

Intro: Tsalan Yura go to Factory

Trailer Card it's: Yura's sad look Nikolas Lazarev in Cage

Morgun Lesha Saw trap 2: and the Save of wrestling (His haven't Kidnapped on Hara Maxim, Cancelled)[]

Morgun Leasha's Kidnapped Sketch it's: Character Wrestler

Intro Morgun Lesha eat Poke with Somniferous

Jigtrap meet Morgun Lesha

Morgun Lesha say I haven't think Kidnapped on Hara Maxim have Sedih Olecandr, his study in School in Ukraine

TV Kidnapped on Ronda Rousey, Shane Mcmahon is Cage

Morgun Lesha teleported


Branitski Egor Saw Trap (cancelled time ago)[]

Branitski Egor meet Pato Horneado


Grigoreva Dasha Saw Trap (Cancelled time ago)[]

Grigoreva Dasha meet Jigtrap

Grigoreva Dasha meet Sasha Banks's sad

Grigoreva Dasha give dog to Sasha Banks's sad

Sasha Banks give Ladder to Dasha

Dasha meet Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart

Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart with Join with Dasha


Misha Petlowany's oldest brother Saw Trap (His haven't Wrestler Characters, Cancelled)[]

Card Titled

Balaban Sasha maze villains escape 2 (Cancelled time now, Her moving to school in Kyiv)[]

Evelina Hak Jig Trap 2 (TBA)[]

Card Titled

Untitled Egor Shkreed Game (TBA)[]

Card Titled
