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About her[]

Asuka is a character in Camp WWE.


Asuka has pink and teal hair, she wears a magenta striped tank top, light blue shorts, teal dark socks and black shoes.

Asuka also has a pink and white long-sleeved T-shirt with Giancarlo Lo Tito and light blue shorts with Rhea Ripley and Shkira Anna.

In the game[]

Jig Camp WWE Trap[]

In John Cena (Camp WWE)'s game She lost her Shkira Anna plush (her favorite), then when she got it back, as a gift, she gave a teddy bear and keycard to him.

Nikolas-Lukas Jig Trap 2[]

In Nikolas-Lukas's second game, she was seen in the campsite room with Sasha Banks. As John Cena asked her if she wanted to play anything, she said yes. Then, when John gave her a chess board, she gave a hammer and nail to him.



  • She's Riho and Nikolas-Lukas's favourite TV show charcter.
  • She isn't Legenka Eva's favourite TV show character.
  • She is very similar to Belenchuck, Artur's little sister.
  • She is Nikolas-Lukas's, Shkira Anna's,Cora Jade's and Rhea Ripley's favorite Camp WWE character.


She wears a T-shirt with Riho in real life, and magenta shorts with Shkira Anna.

She also wears a T-shirt with Nikolas-Lukas and Riho.

She wears a tank top with her killing Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair (Camp WWE) (Her worst Camp WWE characters).

Her favourite T-shirts contain Riho, Nikolas-Lukas and Shkira Anna (only them).
